Are you looking for the best scuba diving experience in Andaman & Nicobar Islands or trying to figure out the best place for taking a Scuba diving course? Look no further, you’ve reached the right place. Gypsy Divers, a PADI 5-Star Resort, offers a vast range of dive experiences as well as professional courses that you can choose from. It is one of the very few PADI authorized dive centers in Havelock which maintain their own boat to take divers to Dive Sites not otherwise accessible. Driven by passion, our top focus is YOU and we do our best to make sure every dive is special and memorable. Our team brings a wealth of global experience, commitment, love for the world of diving and a desire to share this wonderful underwater world with you.

The Gypsy dive center is set in its own 3500 square meters, of verdant surroundings. It has spacious premises leading to a picturesque private beach. It is a great place to learn or dive, as the clear water is complemented by a stunning white and golden sandy floor, multicolored reef and fine marine life. Our open air classroom, right in front of this scenic beach is the perfect place for taking diving lessons, under the coconut trees. The dive center is equipped with branded gear of international repute. It is stringently tested and meticulously cleaned, daily. Our very own boat, HUSNA is Registered Under IV ACT. It has 4 stroke twin Suzuki engines each 40 HP and seating capacity of 9+2. It has roof covering with all safety Measures & Equipment. Our boat captain with a valid operating licence has the training to provide First Aid. The dive center is centrally located with easy access to transport, ATMs, local market, medicine stores, hospital, ferry booking offices, harbor, post office and police station, all reachable within a few minutes’ walk.

About Poonam Darne

Gypsy Divers is the brainchild of Poonam Darne, a PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer and SSI Advanced Open Water Instructor, who has been diving for over ten years now. Once a successful businesswoman, Poonam discovered scuba while holidaying in Andaman in 2007 which changed her life and sent her packing for Thailand to master the skill. She learnt, taught and explored in Phuket, Koh Tao Island, Gili Islands and of course, Havelock Island. “The first time I dived, I loved it bits. I was so hooked to diving that I spent every day doing it at the Andamans. By the end of the holidays I was sure diving was my true calling”, recalls Poonam. Oceanographer Jacques Yves Cousteau has said that, ‘The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder’. This maxim came true for Poonam. Her first undersea experience was magical and liberating. She was virtually mesmerized by the vibrant undersea marine life and has remained under its spell since! She saw whales, sharks, manta rays, turtles, and dolphins as authentic deep- diving gypsies, who explored the seven seas with uninhibited enthusiasm. She noticed that, like gypsies they lived life, on their own terms. And that’s how the idea of Gypsy Divers germinated.

Poonam is ably supported by over 10 PADI certified Dive Masters and Instructors who are as passionate as her and together they form Team Gypsy. She is one of the pioneers in Havelock, in mentoring boys and girls from the Karen Tribe and helping them secure a PADI certification. This initiative has helped them find employment too. Most of the people in Team Gypsy are locals and having spent all of their lives on the island, are privy to the best dive sites in Havelock and rest of Andaman Island. The entire team is committed to maintaining the highest standards in safety.

We, at Gypsy Divers, believe that open or interactive communication (both verbal and non-verbal), fosters a trusting environment. It facilitates the mastering of skills and is also a key factor in underwater communication. Students are introduced to their chosen course through books and videos. They are encouraged to learn, at their own pace. Patience and personal attention comes in handy while dealing with students, who may need a longer time to master the basic skills.

From basic to advanced, Gypsy Divers offers you a host of Dive Courses. We invite you, to learn, experiment, travel, explore and enjoy, with assured safety.

Meet our Team

Poonam Darne

Poonam leads the gypsy caravan, as the Chief Adventure Planner. Her 10 years of experience, dual certifications from PADI and SSI and teaching skills make her a perfect teacher and dive buddy. Being a resident of Havelock, for the past 10 years, she knows the island's best diving sites like the back of her hand.

Tooler Saw

Tooler, a PADI certified DIVE MASTER, has a staggering number of dives behind him, in 6 years of diving. He is an accomplished underwater photographer. Always the one to greet you with a smile, this polite Karen Tribal boy has converted many travelers, into enthusiastic scuba divers.

Loaye Saw

PADI certified DIVE MASTER Loaye is an able assistant, to Poonam and other instructors. This handsome Karen boy has an experience, of over thousand discover scuba dives. His laidback nature makes him a perennial favorite of tourists, travelers and students. He has assisted Poonam in training 20 Indian Army personnel, to get their certification. The grateful army men appreciated his training skills and impeccable manners.

Malcom Marshal

Malcom with his long blond hair resembles Mowgli, from the Jungle Book film/ book. Malcom has amazing strength and flexibility, like many Karen boys. He is an expert in free diving. This PADI certified DIVE MASTER has great communication skills and can allay your water fright. Learning and diving with Malcom is always an enjoyable and memorable experience. Many travelers and students happily click photographs with him.

Thatoo Saw

Experienced, efficient, vigilant, humble and friendly sums –up, DIVE MASTER Thatoo Saw. He is such a favorite of Fun Divers that, many of them frequently return to Havelock Islands, just to dive with him He is often plied with gifts. And why not? Thatoo smiles even underwater!


Shammim is a modest and courteous boat boy. He is focused on safety and meticulously takes care of our boat and scuba gear.


Gypsy Divers' age is matched by hers. Right from the beginning, she has warmly embraced all students and guests. Her exceptional skills in organizing schedules according to the convenience and travel plans of the guests and students have been a blessing for Gypsy. Her proficiency in management and discipline is truly commendable.

Yotha Saw

PADI Dive master famous in Many senior citizen Guests & who hesitant about Scuba dive, but yotha who always ready with his smile to brief them, make them comfortable & later experienced them most unforgettable scuba diving .they never leave without thankful hug & greet to Yotha.

Arijit Dasgupta

Arijit is a PADI Dive Instructor with great time management and discipline. He likes to make sure you have fun while learning the course with a no-compromise attitude for training standards. An experienced Instructor who is always ready to help with any questions you may have regarding diving, the island, travel planning, etc.

Rohan Anand

Rohan is a PADI & SSI Instructor, with great time management and discipline. He likes to make sure you have fun while learning the course with a no-compromise attitude for training standards. An experienced Instructor who is always ready to help with any questions you may have regarding diving, the island, travel planning, etc.


DS adds a creative spark to the resort. Once you strike a conversation with him on topics related to arts, adventure or the marine life you would realize that he is the same guy you saw on the silver screen in movies such as Rocket Singh, Khakee & The legend of Bhagat Singh... and the whole conversation trips from Scuba diving to Films :) The selfies you get with him are just an add-on after your lovely stay and time at Gypsy Divers.

Vidya Shinde

Vidya welcomes all the guests at Gypsy Divers & takes extra care to make sure every guest feels comfortable during their stay at Gypsy. You can count on her to help you plan your trip to other islands or if you need help with bookings and figuring out logistics for travel and stay for your trip onwards. amazing management skills. Her smile - the ultimate problem-solving magic trick!